Providing a Foster Home
The Ultimate Volunteer Experience
Every year dozens of shelter animals are given a second chance, thanks to the caring hearts of our volunteer foster homes. The shelter environment can be stressful depending on the circumstances of certain animals, and being able to place these pets into foster homes is so important! Fostering is truly a hands-on, life saving volunteer experience.
There is no financial commitment required, just your time and compassion. Any food, supplies or medical expenses required are covered by the Humane Society through donations and fundraising. The time commitment can range from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the individual situation. There are many different types of foster assignments - one of the most common is for a mother cat with kittens, but from time
to time we need someone to take in orphaned puppies or kittens, injured/ill cats and dogs, animals that need socializing, senior pets, or even just long-term shelter residents who need a break from the shelter environment.
We ask that our foster homes have a separate room in which to house the foster animal(s), and, if you have pets of your own, that they have their shots up to date and are kept separated from the new arrivals. This is protection for both your beloved pet and the fostered pets – generally speaking, these are stray animals which we do not have a history on. Typically they have not received any type of veterinary care, which means they could be carrying diseases that we are not aware of.
Although we may call on our foster homes year round, spring is when we start to see the influx of litters and orphaned young. Having foster volunteer applications on file helps us to place these needy pets in homes as soon as possible. If you are interested in this very rewarding volunteer experience, please fill out our Foster Application. You can drop it off at the shelter, fax it to 949-0169 or email to [email protected]

Foster Application