Cat Application

  Maiden Name
*Postal Code
*Date of Birth


*Who are you adopting this cat for?          
*Number of adults at home (18+ years)
*Number of children at home (0-7 years)
*Number of children at home (8-17 years)
*Do you believe in spaying and neutering?     
*Any known "pet" alergies?     
*How busy is your family?          
*How would you describe yourself?               
*Are you planning on the following in the next month?          
*Where will your cat stay during the holiday?          


*Do you     
*Do you have your landlord's permission to have pets?     
*On average, how many hours will your cat be alone on Weekdays Weekends
*Will the cat be an indoor or outdoor cat?     


*Who will have the primary responsibility of the cat?
*Have you had cats before?     
*What happened to them?
*Have you adopted from us before?     
*Have you surrendered or given away a pet?     
  If yes, please provide the reason
*Have you researched the costs involved in owning a cat?


*Are there any other pets in your house hold?     
*What vet clinic do you use?
*Please list all other pets including their names, breed, age, sex and if they are fixed
*How are they with cats?


*Problems you are willing to work on

*Be friendly with children          
*Be friendly with other cats          
*Be friendly with dogs          
*Enjoy being groomed          
*Enjoy being held          
*Enjoy being petted          
*Be calm          
*Be playful          
*Be quiet          
*Be independant          
*Always use the litter box          
*Be friendly with me          
*Under what circumstances would you return your cat?

*Have all the members of your household met the cat?     
*Have you ever been convicted of neglect or cruelty to animals?     


Thank you for considering giving one of our homeless animals a permanent home. Since we may have several possible homes for the particular companion animal you desire, we assure you that if the home we choose is a home other than yours, it is no reflection on your ability to provide a good home for an animal.

Before placing an animal into a home, we consider the personality and temperament of the animal as well as his/her needs. Since we are here for the animals, our first consideration is for the animal’s happiness in his/her new surroundings. Please understand that the home you are able to provide for this animal may not meet his/her needs. Another animal may adapt to your lifestyle better.

The majority of the animals seeking a new home have come to us with little or no history. We try to maintain the healthiest environment possible for them, but minor ailments and disease are inevitable when housing animals that have more than likely never seen a veterinarian in their life. We strongly encourage you to take your new family member to a veterinarian of your choice within two weeks of adoption. If your new pet requires medical care, please contact the shelter as soon as possible. In some situations, we can provide assistance with the veterinary costs. Please note that fleas and worms are not considered an illness and the cost for treatment would be your responsibility. Our animal care procedures include an initial deworming treatment and any animals found with fleas, receives a topical treatment. Neither is considered fail-safe and follow-up should be done with your veterinarian.

*Current Date May 16, 2024